This was the third in the series of lectures. This class was taken by Prof. Anton Musgave. Sharing my class notes - Prof. is from South Africa and he started off with sharing his experiences in the current turnmoil the country is facing. More here. It was good to hear that he and his family was safe. Also, he shared how citizens came together to prevent spread of this outbreak by working with the govt. and offering a human shield to prevent further looting in the country. Since, this class was on leadership and strategy, he shared few quotes that I have taken note of - Never say 'empower your people'. Say 'unleash your people' Focus on taking away the obstacles Leaders need to design strategy, equip their team, define rules and step back Thinking about the future should be task of a leader Leaders are in the business of tomorrow Leaders have to deal with today but plan for the future Trends don't help forecast the future but Signals do.. What are signals? How to...
Some of the recommended books to read -
Principles Ray dalio
Checklist manifesto
Victory project
The Marwaris Gurcharan das Thomas timberg
Lincoln and his team of rivals
I too had a dream Verghese Kurien
Daily rituals Mason curry
Range by David esptein
The new rules of business Rajesh Srivastava
Talent is overrated
Thinking fast and slow
Principles life and work
The first 90 days Michael d watkins
Power Jeffrey pfeffer
80 20 principle Richard Koch
First break all the rules Gallup
Deep work rules for focused success in a distracted world by Carl Newport
Dan Ariely predictably irrational
"Road Less Stupid" by Keith Cunningham
"Good Strategy, Bad Strategy" by Richard P. Rumelt
"Play Bigger"
Influence the psychology of persuasion
Why we sleep Matthew walker
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